
Me, We, Higher Purpose



There’s an epidemic of parity products, undifferentiated brands and marketing irrelevance. The events of the past five years have created a momentous shift in consumer values and ideals. Women are moving forward in a new era of responsibility. They expect business to have a social responsibility beyond just profit. They expect the same of themselves. They are seeking ways to make a difference and to bring more meaning in their lives. It’s a principle we call, “Me, We, Higher Purpose.”

Leading brands are demonstrating the ability to enjoy a competitive advantage by understanding what matters to their consumers (me); how to apply that understanding to create collective power (we); and ultimately make a difference in our lives (higher purpose).

National Study Reveals Women are Recalibrating the American Dream

and Seeking Purpose and Meaning

Study Reveals How Women Recalibrate the American Dream
What’s replaced the quest for fame, fortune, knights in shining armor and white picket fences, and what does it mean for American businesses? … read Executive Summary and … view media interviews

Me, We, Higher Purpose™

The We Decade
The last ten years created the perfect climate for what is coming in the 2010’s: The “we”
decade. … read more

Curve Ball
Levi’s helps Millennial women shape their wardrobes and their lives. … read more

Fly, Eagles, Fly!
The Philadelphia Eagles ascend to higher purpose and win both on and off the field. … read more

Flour Power
Panera puts its bread where its mouth is. … read more

Being Caribou
Caribou turns a cup of coffee into a daily affirmation. … read more

Box Tops Moms
General Mills creates a “we” brand, one box top at time. … read more

The New Pop Culture
Optimism is the pulse of the next Pepsi generation. … read more

Baby Love
The “we decade” began almost ten years ago for J&J BabyCenter. … read more

More Published White Papers

Stand By Me (Research Report)
A year ago we were angry. Now we’d like some tender, loving care. … read more

Burt’s Buzz
At Burt’s Bees, a culture of caring is both the medium and the message. … read more

The Waterford Effect
The ultimate strength of a brand’s identity comes from within. … read more

The Big Shift
Corporate culture needs to view consumer culture through a new lens. … read more

Purpose to Power
Serving your consumers means reaching for higher ground. … read more

Everyone Matters
You’ve got to give to get…but the best gift is the one that comes from your heart. … read more

The Perfect Storm (Research Report)
A new survey of U.S. women reveals fear, anger…and a rare opportunity to restore trust. … read more

Howlin’ Wolves
Best Buy becomes a great place for women to shop by becoming a great place for women to work. … read more

Return of the Flemoids
How ChexQuest turned brand involvement into emotional commitment. … read more

In Dove We Trust
Dove’s Campaign For Real Beauty offers a new definition of corporate social responsibility. … read more

Best in Class
Best Buy is winning with women … and everyone else. … read more

The Hendrix Moment
It’s not enough just to listen to your consumers. You have to hear them. … read more

The Sensory Potential
How the five senses create intuition … and build trust and loyalty. … read more

Ka-Boom Ka-Ching
Someone turns 50 every eight seconds. … read more

Ten Years After
It’s been ten years since Tom Peters declared women’s economic clout, but most marketers are still in the dark. … read more

The ‘O’ Factor
The Oprahfication of Kleenex, Cadillac and Corona. … read more

The Human Touch
The greatest retailers not only serve their customers with courtesy. They treat them like friends. … read more

Where’s the Big Idea
With the right people, an open atmosphere and tuned-in insights, you can innovate with the best of them. … read more

Loyalty, Harley Style
Creating cultural value fosters deep-soul connections with consumers. … read more

The Emotional Truth
Schwan’s creates brand enthusiasm by finding a deep, soul connection between moms and their teenage kids. … read more

Additional Media

Marketing to Women. Minnesota more

Hidden treats yield clues in marketing to women. Star more

New study shows how women’s values have changed over the past 10 years. Fox TV News.view interview

Study on the American Dream reveals women’s confidence in a time of uncertainty. KBEM Radio.listen to interview

Study reveals what women really want. WCCO Radio.listen to interview

The Modern Business Woman and Love: she was surveyed, this is what she had to say. Forbes. read more

Politics has women fed up, survey finds. Star Tribune. … read more

Women’s afternoon TV: RIP. Maclean’s. … read more

After Oprah leaves, daytime TV may never be the same again. Los Angeles Times. … read more

Procter & Gamble moves from soap operas to social media. USA Today. … read more

All About the Advice. US Banker. … read more

Christine O’Donnell’s Extreme Empathy. Esquire . … read more

Pepsi pays to ‘refresh’ communities. MSNBC. … read more

The New Power Generation. M2W Essentials. … read more

New store more like a Home than a Depot. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. … read more

Dolled-up project. Detroit Free Press. … read more

Campaign Chic: Not too cool, Never ever hot. The New York Times. … read more

McDonald’s lets 6 moms tell it like it is. USA Today. … read more

Connecting with Women. St Paul Pioneer Press. … read more

Dori Molitor: Brands for Women. Among Women. … read more