
WomanWise® is a full-service insight consulting firm specializing in marketing brands to women. Dori Molitor founded the firm in 1988 with an ambitious vision to create Brand Enthusiasm™ and drive purchase. Nearly 15 years ago, we realized that our passion and strengths had succeeded in breaking new ground in what decidedly became our specialization – marketing brands to women™.

Our unconventional insight approach for discovering the single, subconscious Emotional Truth™ that sparks Brand Enthusiasm has fueled unprecedented client results and gained us international recognition.

Discovering the Emotional Truth™

“Emotional Truth” gets to the core of what lies deep within a woman’s subconscious mind. It drives the intensity of relevance your brand owns in her life. For nearly two decades, we have been creating, refining and improving proprietary tools to uncover PeakInsight™. Yes, we listen to women consumers. But we listen through the context of sociological, cultural, psychological and gender underpinnings of her life. Our marketing to women expertise combined with the insight of a PhD psychologist helps to uncover the PeakInsight that allows us to get at the single focused Emotional Truth that excites and inspires her connection with your brand.

To Gain Competitive Advantage in the Women’s Market Requires Nothing Less Than Re-framing, Re-thinking and Re-imagining Your Entire Business Enterprise.

To realize the full potential of the women’s market we must re-frame the businesses and categories where we compete in the context of women’s shifting values and ideals. This means enriching her life and providing Cultural Value™ – and making those values relevant within the context of your brand. We must re-think consumer insight and how we uncover the deep subconscious emotions that reveal the whole truth of what motivates a woman’s behavior. And we must re-imagine how your brand builds relationships with women. It requires creating entrepreneurial business ideas that spark her emotions, elicit her involvement and make her feel as though she and your brand are connected through a higher purpose…a purpose larger than a sterile transaction.

Leading brands understand the new realities of the We Decade and are applying the Me, We, Higher Purpose™ principles to gain a new level of competitive advantage.

What women want and expect from their brands has changed. Let us help you gain a profound competitive advantage by fundamentally changing the way she feels about your brand!