
Women make 85% of all health care decisions, spend two-thirds of all health care dollars, and distrust health care providers more than ever. Unlike most health care insurance companies, UnitedHealthcare® recognized this and turned to WomanWise to help better understand women’s perceptions and associations with health care insurance. Using our Deep Dig™ process, WomanWise sought to dimensionalize the challenges and feelings associated with being the “Chief Health Officer” for the family throughout the various stages of women’s lives.

Universal themes of confusion, feeling overwhelmed, out-of-control costs and impersonal service quickly surfaced. But with further segmentation insights, clear distinctions appeared by life stage between moms with young kids (under 6), moms with older kids (6 to 17) and Empty Nesters.

A better understanding of these three segments of women revealed specific emotional triggers that evolve throughout her life and intensify based on her life stage and increased experience with health care providers. We also discovered that these women had a strong sense of shared responsibility to help heal the health care industry.

This insight work led to the launch of a fully integrated corporate initiative – Source4Women. Elements include an interactive website, online community, celebrity ambassador/experts, direct marketing, local health forums, and more.


•    20% open rate on electronic direct mail campaign launching Source4Women
•    Registered users exceeded goal by 164%
•   eHealth Leadership Award, Best Interactive Website