
Land O’Lakes is an enlightened marketer that recognized the opportunity among the 80 million strong Boomer generation. They made the decision to shift from the traditional 25 to 54 year-old target to Boomer women. They also realized the opportunity to move from a rational selling strategy to a higher-level emotional connection. With aggressive brand goals, they retained WomanWise to help understand the Boomer target and her connection with Land O’Lakes Butter.

Our Deep Dig™ insight process included a study of the cultural context in which this generation grew up, what feeds her soul today and implications for the brand. Through our work it became evident that the opportunity for Land O’Lakes Butter was to own the food experience. Through food we express love, bring comfort and hope, forge relationships and reinforce old bonds – and butter is at the center of the table during these precious times.

Many marketers stop at recognizing the emotional rewards of food as comfort, memories, pride, or unconditional love, but we laddered this up to an Emotional Truth™ with higher aspirational benefits.

WomanWise created a sensory expression of this emotional opportunity space, which led to a paradigm shift with all agency partners and resulted in a change from business as usual.


•    Highest sales volume in over a decade