
WomanWise specializes in insight mining to shape and grow your business. Each of our senior-level team of experts has over twenty years of experience focused specifically in marketing brands to women.

Our marketing to women expertise combined with our unique Think-Tank structure allows us to surpass any resource alternative when it comes to delivering actionable insights that grow your business. With proven processes, a Consumer Psychologist, proprietary insight tools and strategic alliances with leading experts in trend forecasting, innovation and experience design we bring best-in-class thinking to every business opportunity.

WomanWise allows you a seamless link between insight and in-market activation. We can uncover deep insights and serve as your marketing-to-women advisor working collaboratively to inspire all agency and brand stakeholders, or we can develop and drive marketing strategies and all in-market activities.

•    Women’s Market Segmentation

•    Female Target Dimensionalization

•    Women’s Insight / Shopper Insight

•    Social Media Observation and Insight Mining

•    Innovation Platform Development and Exploration

•    Brand Platform, Positioning and Identity

•    Entrepreneurial Business Idea Generation and Planning

•    Creative Strategy and Holistic Marketing Communications

•    Speaker and Marketing to Women Workshops