American Dream Study




As we struggle with global conflict, economic uncertainty and bloated personal debt, is it really true that the American Dream – our Founding Fathers’ vision for “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” – is slipping away? Maybe not. Our recent multi-generational study of 800 women across the U.S. reveals that the dream has not gone away, but it has changed.

Learn what is most important in women’s lives today, how women are defining the American Dream, words of advice women have for future generations about finding happiness and fulfillment, and most importantly, what it means for business and brands. Contact us or download the executive summary.

Women’s Values Have Changed

No longer about the White Picket Fence or Prince Charming

Media Source: FOX TV NEWS

Exchanging Fame and Fortune for Purpose and Meaning – An example of a company that’s serving as a catalyst for her desire to make a difference

Media Source: WCCO Radio

Love Thyself – Health and Wellness takes precedence over marriage, children and a well-paying career

Media Source: KBEM Radio

A Sense of Humanity Prevails – She cares more about more things

Media Source: KBEM Radio

Implications for Business and Marketing

Media Source: FOX TV NEWS

The Modern Business Woman and Love: she was surveyed, this is what she had to say. … read more

Politics has women fed up, survey finds. … read more

What matters is changing. … read more